It was as if something inside me that just didn’t feel right. This went on for many years and although therapy and medication kept me focused and sometimes calm, it was also sort of numbing. I didn’t enjoy the feeling of being so disconnected.

I started doing research on self healing, read books and all paths lead to Yoga practice and meditation. I knew something about yoga but wasn’t til I really dug deeper behind these intense poses, which never thought I can perform is when i learned more about meditation and the power in this practice. The more i invested time into these two practices with classes, videos, and reading the more i realized the changes in myself. I found a way to heal my mind without any form of drug.

Fast forwarding to present after a couple of years, I decided to travel across the world to India and learn this ancient practice from where it stems and understand the magic behind it. A wonderful happened within me and what is even more amazing is that we all have this ability. Understanding how to connect our mind and body can calm the storms within. This is a gift we all have it just needs to be sparked. I want to share this journey and you can tell me about your journey and why.