yoga sutras
Yoga, its a practice born from ancient India and through time has been a way of connecting to a higher level within ourselfs. The myths of yoga only for chosen few is exactly that a myth, yoga can be practiced at any level the person is comfortable with mentally, and physically. We all have are limits, the fact is knowing and excepting those limits can bring a healthy and safe practice. Yoga is patience and decipline to build on like a foundation to obtain the self awareness. its creating a balance between the body and mind through body postures known as (Asanas), breathing exercises, and meditation. These elements combined bring the body and mind in unity, learning to follow the breath through each asana allows mindfulness. This allows the person to pay attention to their body as well as the breath and not have the mind wonder about what is going to happen that day or how bad of a day you had. It’s a time we take for embracing your body with care, love and attention with no distractions. There many books and videos explaining this amazing practice in more detail, there is more to yoga than an exercise to lose weight or have more flexability. For some of us seeing the dificult poses shown on social media may have anyone over 40 that has not tried yoga to run the other way. This is where i can put my 2 cents in and say, this is when we want to embrace the practice more than ever. Many of us have lived such a robotic life we can do it all on a daily without even thinking.
What do i mean robotic? do you get up at the same time each morning sometime without the sound of an alarm, “routine”. Head to work, have lunch, get out at 5 or maybe 6 in the evening, head home and make dinner, entertain the family and do some routine things before going to bed and do it all over again the next day, yes! this is a robotic life, now this is not everyone at age 40+ let me make it clear. There are some that still find time to enjoy nature and self care and getaways from time to time. Most of us dont find the time to do it and its something that should become a priority in our life. We loose ourself in our jobs and routine we start to break down like an old car. The stress and anxiety can take a toll on the body, without any type of release and relaxation our bodies become tense and tight our joints hurt and we go to a physician to give us something to relieve the pain so we can go back and continue our routine.
Yoga practice is not only physical if that is not what you want to get into there are forms of meditation and basic stretches that can be done without having to do extreme poses or extensive workouts, something as being more conscious with what goes into your body can reduce many ailments, and have a healthier lifestyle. I started this journey over 6 years ago and i feel healthier, stronger physically than i did 15 years ago. The best part of this journey has been learning about myself through the yoga practice. And i feel with right guidance others will find this practice just as fulfilling.